Black Olive Bonsai Tree 10yrs Old OLIV5


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Tree: Black olive

Age: 10yrs

Height: Approx 10 inches

Location: Indoors

Level: Intermediate

About this tree:
pprox 10 inches tall, this is a wonderful black olive bonsai tree. I train them to produce olive at a very low height. Makes this amazing. Small, small leaves. Needs lots of water and near a window would be perfect. Loaded with branching and I love the large surface roots.

Level: Intermediate

 Grab a humidity tray and I do suggest the moisture meter to help you with the water needs of this tree.                               

One of the best bonsai trees available in today’s market is the Black olive bonsai tree; this is as a result of its lovely flowers, beautiful green leaves as well as dense form. Just like a normal black olive tree, an black olive bonsai tree flowers and produces fruits as well. With this Bonsai tree, one will be able to enjoy its gorgeous pink and white flowers along with fantastic scent
which is often high during summer seasons.

Turning a Black Olive Tree into Bonsai

One of the best tree that can be turned into bonsai is a Black olive tree. This is because they have many opportunities to allow new shoots plus branches and also blossom beautifully and cultivated to allow the production of many fruits in variation to their sizes.

When it comes to a growing black olive bonsai tree, not so many materials are required. In addition to that, some of the basic material you will need include; soil, a coarse substrate which is ideal for enhancing drainage, pruners which are perfect for use when it comes to trimming as well as cutting branches along with roots. Once you have these essential tools, you will be ready to commence on the process. Note that, the type of soil used will profoundly have an impact on your black olive bonsai tree; therefore, you will need to consider it significantly. Moreover, the type of soil used in this process will determine aeration and drainage.

Soil For Black Olive Bonsai Trees 

The soil remains an essential factor whether planting on pots or in the garden. Soil assist in nutrients available for the tree, also in consideration to allow water drainage and aeration and not to dry very fast, this helps to harden soil in order to keep water for long and not taken quickly by roots. As a reason of Bonsai roots being very shallow; hence the soil used must be
brought into consideration.

You may choose to use a pre-made Bonsai mixed or may choose to use a mix of grit, Akadema Pumice, organic soil and also Lava rock. Akadema is usually a baked clay that after its mixed with other varieties of substrates it can be of great help in providing slow water drainage that’s required to help deny water from crouching on roots which usually cause rotting. The mixture is also very crucial to the decision of root appearance. If need roots to get divided as they develop a lot of attention, reduce tree in a way which may enable crouching. This moreover empowers bigger ground space which comes with the uptake of a lot of nutrients and water thus giving an advantage of helping in feeding top of a tree which remains my major interest part.

Seed and Seedlings

This is a critical step that requires a lot of consideration on whether you need by either commencing from seedling or seed for your plant. They all give you a small plant; the advantage part is usually to owe it as younger as possible. Owing to your plant from seedling stage requires a lot of patience until it reaches an averaged height of 5 cm after that put it in a pot and commence the procedure shaping and training while it grows.

There are several conclusions that matters a lot on the decision on the type of containers that can be used depending on the plant type decided to use, this may include on the choice for the container comprising on the glaze, shape and color. Usually, bonsai are best in minor containers which help with the balance of the unfinished heights plus growth, container plays a
significant role and crucial as a tree itself.

Generally, the container must always remain of a similar length like the trunk stands width and rapidly must be placed above-ground roots. If decided to use an oval or rectangular containers, this must be 2/3rd of the height of the tree. In consideration, if square containers must be a 1/3rd of the tree height if containers become broader if extremely, there is the presence of a big canopy.

Trees that bear fruits must be brought into consideration and be given containers which are deeper; this will enable and ensure that all nutrients are sufficiently supplied to the fruits.

Black Olive Bonsai Tree Care

There are so many ways and methods that have come up throughout the years in helping to create and enabling getting a healthy plant. One of it is the use of soil mixing method, which is illustrated above, container size matters a lot in nutrient supply thus becomes productive, blossoms and leafage. By providing excellent large holes from the bottom, this will help maintain nutrient on the soil, which will make it accessible by the root. The holes will enable water drainage and will not wash away other organic substances and fertilizers, which are in the soil. Akadema clays are known for binding nutrients, thus enabling water drainage.

Majority of Bonsai are usually indoors thus ensure proper lighting and sunlight is available this will ensure the growth of trees, for black olive tree Bonsai they do best outside in full sunshine. By placing outside will enable photosynthesis to take place hence creating gorgeous blossom fruits preferred and greenery

Watering A Black Olive Bonsai Tree

Always ensure that the tree receives sufficient water supply; this is because of the condition it is growing in just like all other plants. In addition to that, ensure that the tree does not dry up completely and also do not water a lot so that there will be no excess water at the root; thus, drainage consideration is vital. Watering can be done from the bottom or top and ensure to water regularly at least twice a day.

Fertilizing A Black Olive Bonsai Tree

Always add the fertilizer for at least twice in the month of summer with bonsai fertilizer {nitrogenous fertilizer} or as recommended by the owner instructions. Pellet fertilizer may also be used since they are also advised. Ensure that fertilizer is also balanced.

Black Olive Bonsai Training Techniques

The looks of your miniature tree will highly be determined by bonsai training; usually, this involves pruning and wiring.

Black Olive Bonsai Pruning

Black olive tree Bonsai are known for growing very quick mostly in its small trees; thus, the overgrown shoots can be trimmed during summer or its resting stage. The flower buds can be best trimmed during June and July this is in case you want to have increase flowers the following year avoid cutting small shoots when it’s already late. Usually, Black olive bonsai tree
also referred to as pitch-black olive tree grows and looks like a normal black olive tree. 

Just like a normal black olive tree, an black olive bonsai tree flowers and produces fruits as well prunes with Bonsai scissor to avoid having small shoots unattended.

Black Olive Bonsai Wiring

The wire must stay in the tree for a longer period because black olive tree Bonsai branches are always soft, and when you removed the wire, they basically go back to their first shape. Always apply the wire in early summer reason being the tree grows in density accordingly and gradually
weakens and the wire can stay for a longer period of time. The  disadvantage of wiring during summer the leaves may infringe with the branch exploration because of its smooth bark always use aluminium wire

Repotting Your Black Olive Bonsai 

When it comes to maintaining the bonsai’s health, reporting plays a significant role. The primary goal of reporting is getting rid of excess roots that are often associated with the starvation of the tree. Here is how to perform reporting for a bonsai tree:

· Remove the tree from its pot carefully.

· Use a sharp shear to trim the outer layer of the bonsai’s tree.

· Assess the mass of the root within the area you will shade. Usually, the rotted trim indicates the area in which the bonsai tree experiences enough drainage.

· Clean the bonsai pot and get rid of any green or brown spots.

· A mesh square should be placed over a drainage hole; this will aid in preventing the soil from

Black Olive Bonsai Pests And Diseases

Some of the common pests and diseases among an olive bonsai tree include:

· Yellow leaves

Olive trees might have yellow leaves since they are not deciduous; however, whenever the majority of leaves are yellow is often as a result of nitrogen deficiency. Yellow leaves with brown spots, it is usually as a result of olive peacock spot.

· Olive fruit fly

The olive fruit fly also referred to as bactrocera olea does not have to affect the health of an olive bonsai tree; however, it can ruin the crop.

· Verticillium wilt

Bonsai tree with a poor drainage system has high chances of suffering from this infection. The verticillium wilt is often caused by verticillium dahliae.

Owning A Black Olive Bonsai Tree

A black olive bonsai tree is an incredible type of bonsai tree that you might consider having. As we come into a conclusion, we hope that this article will of great benefit when it comes to handling your bonsai tree or choosing the best bonsai tree.